Routes of communications and their advantages and disadvantages
Communication has been defined as exchange of
information creating and maintaining relationship as well as sharing
understanding with those around us. Also communication is defined as process in
which people share information, ideas and feelings. It involves spoken and
written words, body language personal mannerisms, styles and anything that adds
meaning to a message. Therefore, Communication is a transfer of information to
achieve a goal.
communication is the process by which information is
shared within organizations such as businesses. Outside of informal social
interactions, individuals in an organization typically communicate with
coworkers in their departments who have attained the same status they have, or
they communicate with their direct superiors or subordinates.
Routs of Communication
are ways in which information transfer
from one place/person to another, these are:
communication is communication between
different individuals and, departments, or organisms on the same organizational
The term lateral
communication can be used interchangeably as horizontal communication. In his
text entitled “Organizational Communication,” Michael J. Papa defines
horizontal communication as “the flow of messages across functional areas at a
given level of an organization” (Papa and Daniels 55). With this system people
at the same level are permitted “to communicate directly without going through
several levels of organization”
Specifically, lateral
communication occurs among coworkers, during staff meetings and informational
presentations, throughout shift changes, and among employees regardless of peer
types. In short, lateral communication’s purpose is to keep organizational
personnel informed of all current practices, policies, and procedures” (Spellman
and Mino 100)
of lateral communication:
Members within an organization have an easier
time with problem solving, information sharing across different work groups,
and task coordination between departments or project teams
The use of lateral or horizontal communication
in the workplace can also enhance morale and afford a means for resolving
It is time saving. It does not require complex
procedures in transferring information from one individual to another, as no
different organizational levels are involved.
It facilitate
cooperation among the team members
It provides emotion
and social assistance to the organizational members.
of lateral communication;
Territoriality .This often occurs when members of an organization “control
task-related activity within a defined and fixed jurisdictional area” and as a
result “regard others’ involvement in that area as territorial encroachment.”
“Departments value their turf and strive to protect it. This problem may be
compounded through interdepartmental rivalries that arise from win/lose
competition for rewards and resources”.
this occurs within organizations occurs for example when the different levels
of an organization fail “to cooperate with one another. For example, Papa gives
an example of “corporate executives in a national department store chain” who
“encountered territorial rivalry when they discovered that local stores within
each of the company’s major sales districts refused to cooperate with one
another on sales promotions”. “Stores within the same sales region literally
were in competition with one another as well as with other department store
is a problem that often happens when organizations do not have uniformity
within departments, causing communication difficulties. Specialization can
occur with procedures or vocabulary used by different departments. For example
when “different specialties use the same terms in different ways,” this can
create confusion and miscommunication. When this occurs organizations have
trouble functioning properly and do not run smoothly.
Lack of Motivation.
“Horizontal communication often fails simply because organization members are
unwilling to expend the additional effort that it requires.” “Horizontal
communication may require contact with people in units that are well removed
from our own. The channels and rules of interaction may be unclear. We do not
really know these people.
In an organization,
vertical communication is communication between those who are on different
levels of authority within the company. This is communication that flows from
higher level in an organization to lower level.
Examples are: manager to employee, general
manager to managers, foreman to machine operator, head of the department to
cashiers, etc.
Advantages of vertical communication
1. It helps to provide
feedbacks on employees’ performance.
2. Give specific
directives about the job instructed to workers
3. Providing a complete
understanding of employees’ job as well as communicating with them on how job
related to jobs in organization.
4. It provides
communicating organization’s mission and vision to the employees
5. It helps in
explaining organizational policies.
Disadvantages of vertical communication
1. Under or over communication.
Information provided may be more or less sufficient regarding particular issue.
2. Delay of information
as information passes on different levels.
3. Exaggeration of
4. It built in
resistance as no questioning on information delivered.
Grapevine communication is the informal communication network within an organization. The grapevine is used to spread information by passing the formal communication structure. Just like the grapevine plant: it spreads in random ways and it goes where it can.
The grapevine is formed by individuals and groups in an organization. The people in the groups have something in common that links them together.
Examples of Grapevine Network of Communication
- Suppose the profit amount of a company is known. Rumors is spread that this much profit is there and on that basis bonus is declared.
- CEO may be in relation to the Production Manager. They may have friendly relations with each other.
Advantages of
Grapevine Communication
- Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon as an employee gets to know some confidential information, he becomes inquisitive and passes the details then to his closest friend who in turn passes it to other. Thus, it spreads hastily.
- The managers get to know the reactions of their subordinates on their policies. Thus, the feedback obtained is quick compared to formal channel of communication.
- The grapevine creates a sense of unity among the employees who share and discuss their views with each other. Thus, grapevine helps in developing group cohesiveness.
- The grapevine serves as an emotional supportive value.
- The grapevine is a supplement in those cases where formal communication does not work.
Grapevine communication creates a social bond where
none existed. People like to talk to one another; whether they talk about work
or family, or anything.
Teams become more cohesive when members talk to one another
outside of the project or assignment they may be working on. Informal
communication lends itself to bonding.
The grapevine fills
in a gap that is left when official
information is missing. Even in organizations where management is very
proactive about keeping employees informed, the grapevine helps to fill in the
The grapevine in many ways helps keep people honest; it can
dissuade people from engaging on behavior that they don't want others to know
about. This is a two edge sword. On one hand, people will think twice about
taking what they know is a wrong course of action. On the other hand, they may
also think twice about taking a necessary risk and doing the right thing,
fearful those appearances that may give rise to rumors.
Disadvantages of
Grapevine Communication
- The grapevine carries partial information at times as it is more based on rumors. Thus, it does not clearly depict the complete state of affairs.
- The grapevine is not trustworthy always as it does not follows official path of communication and is spread more by gossips and unconfirmed report.
- The productivity of employees may be hampered as they spend more time talking rather than working.
- The grapevine leads to making hostility against the executives.
- The grapevine may hamper the goodwill of the organization as it may carry false negative information about the high level people of the organization.
smart manager should take care of all the disadvantages of the grapevine and
try to minimize them. At the same time, he should make best possible use of advantages
of grapevine.
Upward communication
is communication that flows to higher level in an organization. The
subordinates use upward communication to convey their problems and performances
to their superiors, and tell how well they understood the downward
of upward communication: suggestion box, letters from employees, employee to
manager discussion.
Advantages of upward communication
1. It provides feedback from employees to
make good use of resources.
2. It provides constructive suggestions,
promote welfare and improve management.
3. It creates harmony and togetherness
4. It helps the subordinate to convey
their problem and performance to their superiors.
5. It leads more committed and loyal
workforce in an organization.
Disadvantages of upward communication
1. There is chance of distortion
2. Trend to pass, tendency of bypassing
the immediate boss, can be created among the employees.
3. Delays may take place to decide whether
to inform management or try further to solve the problem
4. Employees lack confidence to initiate
just implement orders.
5. Workers become too bold and fear to
face top management.
Hence, all this kind of
communication help in promoting management, transferring of information from
one worker to another worker, bridging the gap from manager to the audience
which results into improving working capability of the worker
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